Worthing West Labour Constituency Labour Party

The local elections are more significant than ever in 2022. For the first time in history, there is a significant prospect of a Labour led administration for Worthing Borough Council.
Worthing is comprised of 13 Wards. 11 wards are represented by three elected Councillors, and two wards – Northbrook and Castle – have two Councillors each. In total, 37 Councillors represent the people of Worthing. Councillors serve individual terms of 4 years.
In addition to the local election vote on Thursday 5th May, there there is also a by-election in Castle Ward. This is due to the recent resignation of the Conservative Cllr Steve Wills. This means two vacancies in Castle and two Labour candidates will appear on the ballot paper – you can vote for both!
Our candidates are passionate to help make Worthing as accessible, green and as fair as possible. This means quality, affordable housing, care for green and blue spaces and a fresh and creative look at transport in the town.
Meet your local Worthing Labour candidates standing to make Worthing Borough a Labour led Council for the Community in 2022.
Who’s Who?
- Helen Abrahams standing in Offington Ward
- Mike Barrett standing in Northbrook Ward
- Ibsha Choudhury standing in Castle Ward
- Jim Deen restanding in Central Ward
- Rita Garner standing in Tarring Ward
- Dan Hermitage standing in Seldon Ward
- Margaret Howard standing in Broadwater Ward
- Graham McKnight standing in Durrington Ward
- Richard Mulholland restanding in Heene Ward
- Dale Overton Standing in Gaisford Ward
- Lysanne Skinner standing in Salvington Ward
- Bruce Taylor standing in Goring Ward
- Sam Theodoridi standing in Castle Ward
- Andy Whight standing in Marine Ward
Read the Worthing Local Elections 2022 manifesto here.